The program includes training courses structured on cycles of seminars and educational activities in the context of infections at epidemic-pandemic risk, innovation in diagnostics and drug development, technologies for the generation of new vaccines, which constitute a highly qualified training course . During the PhD cycle, students will carry out innovative research projects to be carried out within a network of laboratories affiliated with university research groups and affiliated centers and will have access to advanced technological platforms for microbiological, immunological, chemical, biological, and of bioengineering. Students will also be supported in training their linguistic, IT and transversal skills through courses offered by the structures present in the universities. Students will be actively involved in defining their project, solving problems, choosing their own educational path through the definition of their own study plan and seminars. They will also be encouraged to propose initiatives such as the organization of workshops, new courses, meetings and discussions with other doctoral students and teachers. Students will be encouraged to work in an interdisciplinary collaborative environment and to work in teams, so that they can contribute to the advancement of research in a meaningful and innovative way. At the end of the program, PhD students will be able to apply their knowledge effectively and create practical and innovative solutions for the diagnosis, prevention and therapy of infections at epidemic-pandemic risk. The program includes training courses structured on cycles of seminars and educational activities in the context of infections at epidemic-pandemic risk, innovation in diagnostics and drug development, technologies for the generation of new vaccines, which constitute a highly qualified training course.