COGNOME NOME SEDE Dipartimento Tutor
ASVESTOPOULOU EVANGELIA University of Siena Department of Molecular and developmental medicine Mario Milco D’Elios
BARLETTA ROBERTA University of Siena Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Annalisa Santucci
BOLOGNINI SARA University of Pisa Department of Biology Arianna Tavanti
(co- tutor Mariagrazia Di Luca)
BONUCCI GIULIO University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Luisa Bracci
CAMEROTA FEDERICA University of Campania Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies Mirko Cortese
CAMPAGNARO ENRICA University of Padua Department of Molecular Medicine Riccardo Manganelli
CANCADE SACHA MICHÈLE IDRISS University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Jean Denis Docquier
CAPOCCIA LAURA University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Donata Medaglini
Cotutor Claudia Sala, TLS)
CATANIA MARCO University of Catania Department of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology Nunzio Iraci
CATTABRIGA GIULIA University of Bologna Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT) Marco Rinaldi Oggioni
CHILLERI CHIARA University of Florence Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Gian Maria Rossolini
CINTI LILIA University of Rome “La Sapienza” Department of Molecular Medicine Guido Antonelli
CONTI PAOLA University of Catania Department of Medical Sciences and Biotechnology Floriana Campanile
COPPOLA CHIARA University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Annalisa Ciabattini
FAYAZ ALISHBA University of Sassari Department of Biomedical Sciences Leonardo Antonio Sechi
(co- tutor Pierluigi Fiori e Sergio Uzzau)
GIULIANO ANDREA University of Salento Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies
Department of Experimental Medicine
Pietro Alifano
GUASTALEGNAME MAURIZIO University of Florence Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine Alessandro Bartoloni
LECCESE MARIA RITA University of Rome “La Sapienza” Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases Lucia Nencioni
MAGNANI FEDERICO University of Bologna Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences (DIMEC) Gastone Castelloni
MIHULA MARTIN Humanitas University Department of Biomedical Sciences Maria Rescigno
MOCCI VALENTINA University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Elena Pettini
MONTANO SAMUELE University of Siena Department of Life Sciences Cosima Baldari
(co-tutor Anna Onnis e Emanuele Andreano)
PAGGI IRENE University of Siena Department of Medical Sciences, Surgery and Neuroscience Elena Bargagli
PALETTI CHIARA University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Maurizio Zazzi
PAPI CHIARA University of Turin Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Enza Di Gregorio
PIERONI MARIACHIARA University of Siena Department of Chemical Biotechnology and Pharmacy Giuseppe Campiani
ROMITI CHIARA University of Turin Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Simonetta Geninatti Crich
SCIANDRONE GIULIA University of Pisa Department of Translational and New Technologies Research in Medicine and Surgery Mauro Pistello
(co-tutor Michele Lai)
SOLDATESCHI LUDOVICA University of Siena Department of Medical Biotechnologies Donata Medaglini
VAINO FRANCESCA Humanitas University Department of Biomedical Sciences Barbara Bottazzi
ZAGO ALESSIA University of Padua Department of Molecular Medicine Arianna Loregian